What to do about hair loss? 5 ways to help prevent hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.
There’s something about your hair falling out that just shocks you to your core. It can really affect your confidence and self-esteem, often inducing feelings of anxiety and panic.
It’s actually part of the natural hair growth and shedding cycle to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day and this can vary for different people, so hair loss is only cause for concern if it is more than your usual amount. If you’re noticing big clumps in your hairbrush, on your pillow or in the plughole when washing your hair, then this may be something worth investigating further. Timely consultation with an expert is also important, so don’t delay! Make that hair health check-up with your family doctor or trichologist (hair doctor).
Why does hair loss happen?
Alopecia, or hair loss, can happen for many different reasons. It can be related to changes in hormones, pregnancy, stress, an illness or condition like eczema, low iron levels or simply due to age. As we age, hair tends to thin and become more brittle, leading to increased hair breakage or even hair loss in some cases.
A stressful event or shock can cause telogen effluvium (a type of temporary hair loss). Sometimes medical conditions or treatments, such as cancer treatments (chemotherapy), can cause hair loss and other times it’s simply down to your genes, for example, pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia, both of which affect men and women.
Even the way you treat your hair can lead to hair loss, for example, over brushing, harsh towel drying, wearing your hair in a very tight bun or ponytail all the time, using hair extensions, over styling and harsh chemical treatments (perms, relaxants, bleach, highlights, lowlights and other colour processes). High pollution levels can also damage the hair, weakening and thinning it, eventually leading to hair loss.
What can you do about hair loss?

You can’t fix hair loss overnight and many of the problems listed above are temporary and will eventually ease, allowing your hair to return to a normal growth cycle. But let’s face it, we humans are an impatient bunch, especially when it comes to our hair, which is so strongly wrapped up in identity. We don’t want to wait months or years for it to happen naturally.
The good news is there are lots of things you can do to reduce hair loss and promote new hair growth.
1. Establish good haircare habits
Brush gently starting from the tips, gradually teasing out any tangles, and working up the hair shaft to the crown. Use a brush that’s gentle on the hair and stimulates the scalp, like our Bamboo Paddle Brush.
When it comes to towel drying, treat your hair with the care and attention it deserves. If you can avoid rubbing altogether, that’s best. Take a look at our Microfibre Hair Towel Wrap for an alternative to towel drying.
Blow dry using a low heat and likewise with heat styling – if you can avoid it altogether, then all the better! Think creatively about how you can style your hair – check out our blog on Healthy Hair for Party Season for more tips.
2. Boost the flow of nutrients to your scalp
A healthy scalp is the foundation of healthy hair… Numerous studies have demonstrated that regular scalp massage and stimulation produce a noticeable increase in hair thickness as well as reversing hair loss.*
You can massage your scalp whenever you wash your hair, but to make a meaningful difference, you need to do it daily. Simply use your fingertips or a dedicated scalp massaging tool like our Bamboo Silicone Scalp Massager and apply small circular motions over your entire scalp. Spend 5-10 minutes a day on this massage technique to achieve the best results.
For an extra boost, you can incorporate some essential oils known to promote circulation, such as rosemary, black seed, ginger and almond or others which help to keep the scalp healthy and balance the hair’s natural oils, like vitamin E, lavender or cedarwood. Please be careful and seek expert advice when using essential oils as they are powerful and most cannot be applied directly to the skin.
Our award-winning Nosheen Hair Oil contains all these essential oils and more – take a look at the product description for a full list of essential oils and their beneficial properties and actions.
3. Eat well
“You are what you eat”, as the age-old adage goes. Eating a balanced, nutritious diet can lead to fuller, healthier hair. Include fruit that’s rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, like oranges and berries, as well as nuts and seeds for vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids. Leafy greens, oily fish, such as tuna and salmon, and eggs are all excellent sources of vitamins and minerals for hair growth.
4. Take a targeted supplement
In an ideal world, we’d all eat well and that would do the trick, but we’re busy people and a high-quality hair supplement can help you find the balance you need. Look out for supplements containing vitamins A, B, C, D and E, biotin, omega 3 and collagen.
5. Use a dedicated hair loss treatment
All I’m going to say on this one is “do your own research”, look at reviews and make sure you aren’t swayed by unrealistic promises. Any treatment is going to take time, patience and dedication. Choose the right shampoos and conditioners, whether you need something for fine or thinning hair or dry and damaged hair.
When it comes to treatment, obviously I’m going to recommend Nosheen Hair Oil. Based on a secret family recipe, passed down through generations, I’ve used it myself to combat telogen effluvium and alopecia areata. That’s why and how my product came into being in the first place, because I want to help other people restore their hair and their self-confidence, just as I did.
There’s no greater feeling than hearing how my hair oil has helped others, as in this recent review from one of my lovely customers:
“I was given Nosheen Hair Oil by my sister as a gift, as she knew I was upset about my hair. It used to be glossy and thick, but 3 babies in 4 years put paid to that. I lost a lot of hair and it was thin and straggly. I’ve been using the hair oil for a few months now and I can really see the difference. I can’t tell you how much more positive that makes me feel.” Katie, Hampshire.
However you decide to cope with hair loss and whatever treatment you choose, I wish you all the best in your journey towards hair regrowth. Do let me know your results, or if you have your own “hair loss to hair abundance” story, I’d love to hear from you.
Love Nosheen xxx
*Clinical studies have demonstrated that massaging your scalp for a minimum of 15 minutes daily over 7-8 months can help to promote new hair growth and reverse hair loss. Results usually occur after 36 hours of massage.