8 ways to tame frizzy hair for smooth, healthy locks all summer long
Phew! I think we can all agree summer has well and truly arrived. Has the heatwave left you feeling frazzled too? What about your hair? Is it in need of some TLC? One of the biggest hair problems in summer is frizz. No matter how hard you try, it can seem impossible to keep your hair looking smooth and controlled in the summer months.
Ever wondered what causes summer hair frizz? Well, the humidity in the air gets absorbed by dry/damaged hair, which makes the cuticle swell, so instead of lying flat it goes frizzy and if you’re unlucky or have a lot of hair, it just looks huge! To combat hair frizz, you need to treat your hair right. Here are my top 8 tips for less hair frizz this summer.
1 – Don’t wash your hair every day. We know it’s tempting and if you’ve been swimming in the sea or a pool then you’ll definitely need to wash your hair, but if you can give it a little break from time to time, this will really help. When you do wash, make sure you use a shampoo that’s designed to add moisture and never scrimp on the conditioner – you want your hair to absorb the good moisture. Moisture helps to fight hair frizz.
2 – Rinse your hair with cold water after washing. When you wash your hair with warm water it opens the cuticles, which is great for removing all that grease and dirt, but when they are left open, they are then ready to re-absorb pollutants all over again. If you rinse your hair in cold water after washing, it closes the cuticles, reduces frizz, adds shine and can help to eliminate dandruff – so take a deep breath, turn that shower to cold and get rinsing – it will be worth it!
3 – Don’t overbrush. Brushing your hair can disturb the cuticles and cause hair frizz, especially if you’re working out a tangle. Brush gently, starting at the tip and working your way up to the root. Use a detangler if you need to, so that your brush or comb can glide easily through your hair. Investing in a good hairbrush that’s gentle and will stimulate the scalp and help to spread the hair’s natural oils is always a good idea. Try our Bamboo Paddle Brush. It does all that and it’s eco-friendly too. One last thing on this topic – never ever brush wet hair! Always use a wide-toothed comb to detangle wet hair.
4 – Don’t heat style. Ok sometimes you can’t avoid it, but if you’re addicted to those hair straighteners or curling irons or can’t live without a blow-dry, this really might be the time to give it a miss. After all, there’s no point in all that styling if you end up with a frizzy mess. Opt for a cute up-do instead – it will keep your hair off your neck, keep you cool and help to keep your hair in great condition. Make sure you use good-quality hair ties to avoid causing any damage.
5 – If you must heat-style your hair, then use ionic tools. Sometimes a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do! Ionic dryers and straighteners help to lessen hair damage from heat-styling. They release active ions that boost shine, eliminate static and help to tame frizz. Using a heat protection product is also a must.

6 – Don’t rub when towel drying your hair. Dab and blot to absorb any moisture instead. A microfibre towel is the kindest way to dry your hair. Why not treat yourself to our Microfibre Hair Towel Wrap? It will gently absorb the water from your hair and you can simply pop it on, fasten it with the button and carry on with whatever you have to do.
7 – Use a silk pillowcase. Silk helps to reduce the static when you toss and turn at night, which means less frizz in the morning. It also helps your hair and skin to retain moisture, as it doesn’t absorb it the same way cotton does. This also helps to tame frizz. As a bonus, a silk pillowcase is simply brilliant for your skin too. Our Silk Pillowcases are 100% pure mulberry silk. If you don’t have a silk pillowcase or don’t want to invest in one right now, then tying your hair in a loose plait and fastening it with a silk scrunchie, or wearing a silk scarf at night can also help combat frizzy hair.
8 – Use a hair mask or Nosheen Hair Oil. When it comes down to it, the healthier your hair is, the less you’ll suffer from summer frizz. Likewise, the more natural moisture your hair has, the less frizzy it will be. So, it makes sense to take care of it with an intensive treatment like a hair mask or our hair oil. As you’ll know if you’re a regular reader of the blog or a fan of Nosheen Hair Oil, our 100% natural hair oil offers a wealth of other benefits too, from a healthy scalp to improved hair growth, strength and shine. You can use it as a twice-weekly treatment and leave on for an hour or overnight for that extra dose of goodness.
Wherever your summer takes you, I hope you find these tips helpful for fighting the summer frizz. Relax, recharge, refresh and enjoy this summer with fabulous hair. I’d love to hear in the comments below how you maintain frizz-free, glossy hair during the summer months.
Love Nosheen xxx