Most people who experience sudden hair loss would be concerned about what’s happening and want to know what they can do to help stop it.
AT LONG LAST, WE are starting to return to normal here in the UK, after what has been a difficult year for everyone. Even Boris Johnson has announced we can now hug our friends and family again! I’ve not spoken with anyone who hasn’t experienced some kind of anxiety caused by the pandemic. We are all familiar with the symptoms of COVID 19. Among the 14 symptoms identified by the NHS, are such things as anxiety or depression, fatigue, shortness of breath and a lack of smell. However, another sign which is now receiving more attention from both the celebrity and scientific communities is hair loss.
Fashion Presenter Trinny Woodall, 57, for example recently shared her COVID 19-related hair loss on Instagram and in a National Newspaper. Also according to a new scientific study, published in The Lancet, 359 out of 1,655 Covid-19 survivors will experience hair loss – that’s almost a quarter! According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), Covid-induced hair loss is due to Telogen Effluvium (TE) – it’s characterised as an unprecedented amount of hair thinning or falling out. TE is caused due to a disturbance in the hair growth cycle. The main indication of Telogen Effluvium is hair falling out when you wash or brush it.

But it’s not just those diagnosed with Coronavirus who are suffering from an increase in hair thinning due to the pandemic. For some, the impact of the lockdown and lack of income has been so severe, it resulted in greater hair loss. Ironically hair loss itself can cause even more stress, especially for women, whose hair is often closely associated with their identity and self-confidence.
It’s been well known for years, that stress is a leading cause of hair loss. Dermatologists say hair loss is a normal physiological response to a stressful event. Other causes include significant life changes and events, including pregnancy, menopause or sudden weight loss.
We generally lose approximately 50-100 hair strands every day, but Telogen Effluvium is a hair loss condition that causes much greater hair loss than normal. A greater number of hairs rapidly fall, which is especially noticeable at the hairline.
Usually, the Telogen Effluvium phase only lasts around three to six months, before the hair follicle enters a new growth phase. Sometimes, however, the lost hair isn’t replaced with new hair and leads to permanent hair thinning and bald patches. I’ll write more on this in a separate blog post later this month.
A noticeable difference in people with Telogen Effluvium is when it happens all at once. Under normal circumstances around 10 percent of our hair is in a resting phase, 5 percent in a shedding phase and the rest in a growth phase. If our body experiences significant stress, the body shifts its energy to focus and prioritise life-preserving functions. So as much as 50 percent of our hair suddenly moves to the shedding phase. A phase that can last for many months and has been known to be permanent.
We have seen an enormous increase in reported Telogen Effluvium cases at Nosheen Hair Oil, since the start of the pandemic. Before Covid, I’d have one or two customers with hair loss of this type contact me a week, now I’m getting as many as 20 people. It’s not just women, only last week I read a study saying nearly two-thirds of male patients, some 64 percent were diagnosed with TE at one London hair clinic alone – all having experienced stress due to lockdown.
So how do we handle hair loss after Covid-19? I know losing a lot of hair is troubling, but it’s a common response to extreme stress, so don’t worry. Obviously, first, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor if you have developed sudden hair loss. Something as simple as following a high-protein diet may help or taking some vitamin B12 and vitamin D and iron supplements. I’ve even heard of some people using steroid injections, but It’s not something I’d recommend. Another extreme option I recently read online, was a process where platelets are extracted from a patient’s plasma and injected into their scalp to boost hair regeneration – again I’d avoid taking such extreme measures.
One effective method is to find a hair loss product that’ll not only strengthen and revitalise your hair but will help stimulate new hair growth too. That’s where Nosheen hair oil works wonders – it has been a lifesaver for almost every one of our customers. Our hair oil has helped hundreds of people, including myself and my family during the lockdown.
Nosheen Hair Oil is 100 percent organic and natural. We developed its formula with both health and beauty in mind, drawing from ancient and natural remedies to achieve our goal. Its careful balance of ingredients includes several important antioxidants, vitamins, and proteins, each contributing to faster and stronger hair growth in both men and women. The oils deeply nourish the scalp and repair hair, encouraging fuller growth while also helping to reduce hair loss. Nosheen Hair oil also promotes smoother and shinier hair as well as deterring frizz and breakage, helping your hair to reach its full potential.
The spike in TE shows the extent of stress that we have experienced caused by Coronavirus. Not only causing temporary TE, but also potentially exacerbating other hair loss conditions which could be long-lasting if left untreated.
I have some incredible before and after pictures our customers have been kind enough to share on our social media. If you have any questions or think you are suffering from Telogen Effluvium, don’t hesitate to contact me, I’d be only too pleased to help.